Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Hi Hater

Recently I took my wife to see the couples movie, "Think Like a Man." I want to start off by saying it was a great movie and to see a portrayal of a successful, intelligent, African-American driven cast was a welcomed timeout from the bitches, niggas, and other personifications we are typically type cast in. The men were diverse well adjusted examples of the guys I hang around with. The women were gorgeous examples of how being independent enough to understand that there is nothing wrong with the companionship of a man can be funny, sad, and cute all at THE SAME DAMN TIME! The drama indues when the women want the men on their terms and enlist the helps of Steve Harvey's book to do so. Allow us to add funny dialogue, a few tear jerking moments, and the presence physically and narratively of Kevin Hart and you have a smash on your hands. I give it two astounding thumbs up! My issue is not with the movie itself, no, it is with Mr. Harvey. You trade your wife in that was with you when you wore glorified zoot suits, and rocked more eye liner on you line up than the whole cast of Rupaul's Drage Race for a younger version with less miles.(FYI, I'd check the Kelly bluebook on the miles of any woman who cheats with a known married man, but thats just me) You get caught with the newer version, in turn get a divorce. To atone for that you write a tell all manual for women about all the things men do in the dating process! Who am I to expect loyalty from a man that would sell out his marriage vows, of course he would not stick to the unwritten man code. And do you know why it is unwritten Mr. Harvey, because its OUR code. You don't give the blueprint of war to the other side Benedict Arnold. You don't sell out the masses for personal gain and or self preservation. Do you feel guilty for all the things you have done on the road through your comedic rise? I mean are we to believe that your current wife is your first affair? The beauty is if I knew Steve, I would never tell. Use the late great Bernie Mac's advice in The Players Club, "Shut the F%$k up and don't say nothing! NoneTing!" This very may fall on death ears cause you are going to continue to make money, which brings on more yes men surrounding you saying things like, "Yea Steve thats a great ideal to sell out all men to make money, I mean you already married ain't like you gone cheat on your new wife like you did on your old one. Who cares, you won't be back out in a dating world full of women armed with your book of treason. Is there a part in it for me?" I can answer that for Steve, of course it is Nephew Tommy. The gaul of this guy! But a last I even bought in to the hype despite Steve turing his back on every Swinging Richard in the world. As I said before I love the positive light the cast was painted in so it was money well spent on the tickets. Steve, as for you backstabbing ways, let me find out you had something to do with what happen to Santana from The Steve Harvey Show. This is my art, I am a artist.....and i'm sensitive about my Ish!